Hinweis: Die aktuelle Software Architecture Alliance-Konferenz finden Sie hier!

  • Michael Mahlberg
  • Sprecherdetails

    Michael Mahlberg

    TCG The Consulting Guild GmbH

    Methodenagnostischer Methodenberater

    These days Michael spends most of his time in organizational develoment, supporting clients in their quest for more effective ways to work, mostly by applying lean and agile concepts. He has been running his own company since the mid-80s and moved his focus from implementation to organization in the mid-90s. Working in a all kinds of industries from pure software development companies to public administration, he has not yet seen a project where architecture and processes where not of crucial importance. He organized several conferences around organizational aspects with regard to software development, plays active roles in community efforts (Limited WIP-Society, iSAQB-Commuinty), is a published Author, a previous editor in chief and a frequent speaker at European conferences.

    Vortragsübersicht Konferenzprogramm
