
Thema: Nachhaltigkeit und Softwarearchitektur

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  • Mittwoch
, (Mittwoch, 23.Oktober 2024)
11:15 - 12:15
From Here to Resilience – a Travel Guide
From Here to Resilience – a Travel Guide

Resilience is an important issue these days. Many companies claim to have a resilient IT, very few have one.

What does it mean to be resilient? How do I get there? How can I figure out where I currently am? How can I improve?

We will look at several gradations of becoming resilient. We will examine their properties and tradeoffs and how to get there. We will discuss what we can achieve at an IT system level and when we need to address the whole socio-technical system.

At the end of the session, we will have drawn a map from here to resilience you can use as a travel guide towards your resilient IT.

Uwe Friedrichsen is a longtime traveler in the world of IT. Dot Connector. Cartographer of uncharted territory. Keeper of timeless wisdom. Translator between floors. System design. Resilience. Sustainability. Dislikes long bios. Tries to make IT a (bit) better place.

More content from this speaker? Have a look at sigs.de: https://www.sigs.de/experten/uwe-friedrichsen/

Uwe Friedrichsen
13:45 - 14:45
Sustainable Pace?! How Self-care Actually Boosts Teamwork
Sustainable Pace?! How Self-care Actually Boosts Teamwork

Finding the right balance at work is neither an individual task nor is it only a team’s responsibility. It’s an interaction of both - and more! Leaders also play a vital role as they often (still) have a higher organizational lever.

In this session I will:

  1. define what sustainable pace is
  2. share common pitfalls that can “unbalance” a system (i.e. team, whole company, and also yourself)
  3. offer simple yet powerful self-care practises for individuals and for teams
  4. mix in psychological background (e.g. on stress & coping)

YOU are invited!

Cosima Laube is an independent leadership coach and socio-technical consultant with experience e.g. in automotive, finance, healthcare and the public sector.
Building on a strong foundation as technical and people lead in IT, she enhanced her portfolio with solid coaching skills (ICF-PCC) and Psychology (BSc.).
Cosima cares more about systems thinking than local optimization, she is an introvert, a runner and a passionate community "gardener".
Her credo is: respect & adapt to achieve more TOGETHER! 

Cosima Laube
Cosima Laube

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